Monday, April 14, 2008

My Lily cat

I realized that I couldn't possibly post a picture of Jeremiah without uploading a picture of my Lily. As you can see she likes Pringles!


Meredith said...

I love cat pictures! Now that you have "broken the seal" on including them on our 652 blogs, I know others (including myself) will follow suit. Maybe we could have a cuteness showdown when we should be posting but aren't feeling chatty...

Christy said...

Well I know that this is supposed to be about our final project. But I don't feel guilty posting my cat as long as I include stuff about the final project.

zerbipedia said...

Ditto what Meredith said. I'm definitely going to post some pictures of my cat Ponce. You should try captioning your pics and submitting them to!

Joel N. said...

I have an orange cute too. Very cute!