Monday, April 28, 2008

Going Vegan

now that this blog is really no longer part of an assignment i feel freer to post about different things and to not use capitals and stuff. when i email i typically forgo capitals. i think it's because i am too lazy to hit shift.

i have been thinking more and more about going vegan. currently i am a lacto-ovo vegetarian but i have slowly been cutting out milk and eggs from my diet. when i think about eating eggs - god it's so gross. i won't eat eggs on their own but i still eat things with eggs in them. and i still love cheese. but the more i think about it the more grossed out i get. the other thing is the leather issue. it is nearly impossible to find fine handbags or shoes that are vegan. plus before i started leaning toward going vegan - i must admit that i bought my fair share of leather handbags and shoes. so what am i supposed to do with them. i still really like them. but i can't think about it or i get grossed out. which makes me feel like a hypocrit. Plus i still feel it would be hard to adopt a strictly vegan diet because it is so limited.

i mean when you think about eating meat - that was once a living thing and now you've gone ahead and killed it, skinned and cooked it. yuck. i can't say this to friends and family - i've never been militant or anything but it is so disgusting. the thought of eating meat - blech.

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