Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Web Final (ugh!)

I just wrote out what I would like to do for the web final and Blogger couldn't publish it - ahh! Now I am going to have to remember what I wanted to do.

For the web final - I am definitely doing my web page on being a vegetarian. I would like to have my homepage (in earth tones, reds, browns, creams, taupes etc) with a little information about me, why I am a vegetarian and how it is a lifestyle choice and not just a fad.

I also want to list the topics for my subpages (along with links to each) with a little explanation about each.

Vegetarianism and the impact on the environment - this page would contain info about the beneficial impact being a vegetarian has on the environment, possibly links to other webpages and hopefully some other sources to support information provided.

Cruelty free products/Vegan clothing - I am very excited about this page. Because even if you choose not to go meat free - you can still make ethical choices when purchasing everyday products. There are a lot of options and a lot of companies that are cruelty free - which means no animal testing.

Vegetarian Recipies - provide some easy - emphasis on easy, fast, and nutritous vegetarian recipies that also taste great.

Vegetarian Restaurants - provide a list of restaurants in the South Jersey and Philadelphia
area that either offer only vegetarian choices or offer a good selection of vegetarian options.

Meet Your Meat - this might be the most underhanded part of the website. I would like to post cute pictures of cows, pigs, ducks etc and then denote which meat comes from which.

This is what I have so far. My concerns are this: I hope my ideas are not too ambitious for my skills. Also after doing the reading I am hoping that I can make the website as usable by as many people as possible but again I don't want to be too ambitious and not be able to deliver.

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