Monday, April 28, 2008

Going Vegan

now that this blog is really no longer part of an assignment i feel freer to post about different things and to not use capitals and stuff. when i email i typically forgo capitals. i think it's because i am too lazy to hit shift.

i have been thinking more and more about going vegan. currently i am a lacto-ovo vegetarian but i have slowly been cutting out milk and eggs from my diet. when i think about eating eggs - god it's so gross. i won't eat eggs on their own but i still eat things with eggs in them. and i still love cheese. but the more i think about it the more grossed out i get. the other thing is the leather issue. it is nearly impossible to find fine handbags or shoes that are vegan. plus before i started leaning toward going vegan - i must admit that i bought my fair share of leather handbags and shoes. so what am i supposed to do with them. i still really like them. but i can't think about it or i get grossed out. which makes me feel like a hypocrit. Plus i still feel it would be hard to adopt a strictly vegan diet because it is so limited.

i mean when you think about eating meat - that was once a living thing and now you've gone ahead and killed it, skinned and cooked it. yuck. i can't say this to friends and family - i've never been militant or anything but it is so disgusting. the thought of eating meat - blech.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Web Final (ugh!)

I just wrote out what I would like to do for the web final and Blogger couldn't publish it - ahh! Now I am going to have to remember what I wanted to do.

For the web final - I am definitely doing my web page on being a vegetarian. I would like to have my homepage (in earth tones, reds, browns, creams, taupes etc) with a little information about me, why I am a vegetarian and how it is a lifestyle choice and not just a fad.

I also want to list the topics for my subpages (along with links to each) with a little explanation about each.

Vegetarianism and the impact on the environment - this page would contain info about the beneficial impact being a vegetarian has on the environment, possibly links to other webpages and hopefully some other sources to support information provided.

Cruelty free products/Vegan clothing - I am very excited about this page. Because even if you choose not to go meat free - you can still make ethical choices when purchasing everyday products. There are a lot of options and a lot of companies that are cruelty free - which means no animal testing.

Vegetarian Recipies - provide some easy - emphasis on easy, fast, and nutritous vegetarian recipies that also taste great.

Vegetarian Restaurants - provide a list of restaurants in the South Jersey and Philadelphia
area that either offer only vegetarian choices or offer a good selection of vegetarian options.

Meet Your Meat - this might be the most underhanded part of the website. I would like to post cute pictures of cows, pigs, ducks etc and then denote which meat comes from which.

This is what I have so far. My concerns are this: I hope my ideas are not too ambitious for my skills. Also after doing the reading I am hoping that I can make the website as usable by as many people as possible but again I don't want to be too ambitious and not be able to deliver.

Clarification of last post

I just want to know where we are supposed to look for sources for our web final. Can we use only other web pages or do we need to look for scholarly articles and such. That's basically it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sources for the web final

I have a quick question regarding the final project.

But first I don't think I ever mentioned what web page building experience I have - which is none.
Now that that is out of the way...

Ok I have been tooling around the web looking for inspiration regarding the web final. It was in that way that I was able to come up with some color palette ideas - rethinking the green hues to more earth tones with some reds and golds and creams. My question is sources. Are we primarily using other web pages as sources for our own web pages? Or are we supposed to have multiple sources?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Onion

Hi All,
I know this is supposed to be about our websites and all but I read an "article" in The Onion that I just HAD to pass along:

If you need a little break while doing your homework I strongly suggest reading the above!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Color Ideas

I was playing around with Colors on the Web and found some colors that I am interested in using. I can't seem to get the little color palet to copy into my blog it's very frustrating. But it is a variation on the earth tone theme I've been thinking about using. It's now kind of coral, black, white, Brick, gray. But I am still working on it. And I know the colors don't sound great - which is why it's so frustrating that I can't get the colors to paste into this!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sub pages cont...

Another idea I have for one of my sub pages is the positive impact being a vegetarian has on the environment. I have to do more research on this topic but it is a topic that I am very interested in and is also very topical at the moment with the emphasis on "going green."